September looks like a busy month: lots of news; lots of action. The guides offer an overview of the weeks to come, including four crystal practices to help you keep your balance through it all.
Even before I asked the team what to expect from September, I felt a churning of the energies. One cycle is ending and a new one beginning.
In fact, a rare Blue SuperMoon will usher us into September. So it should be no surprise that the Moonstone Consciousness joined my guides and the Andromedans* for this month's energy forecast. Moonstone helps us work with the natural cycles of our world.
In this post, the team looks at the energy to come. And for the first time, they provide three stones to work with during each of the first three weeks of September, plus one stone to explore throughout the month. We're asked to reconnect to Gaia's energies and to nurture our own. Could there be a better practice to get us through a month of change?
Hello! What can we expect from the energy of September?
It's going to be a firecracker of a month. There will be a lot of noise and action, but a lot of it will be somewhat empty. That is to say, more things will be happening in September than you've seen over the summer, but these events will have the energy of a firecracker—surprising, lots of light and noise and action, but not too much of substance just yet. The substance will come later. Still, September should bring plenty of news to digest.
Is there anything special we should look for?
You can expect change to happen at a more rapid pace now that the energy is starting to pick up again. Things should heat up in the legal sphere in your country (the United States). There may even be protests of some sort; we can see a swirling of energy in targeted areas. So, get ready for an interesting autumn.
What does the energy support for humans personally?
The energy of September is the energy of getting down to business. It’s an energy of getting to work on the issues of the moment. You may feel wonder and surprise. You may learn of things that have been hidden until now, of things that you weren't aware of before now. September offers a moment of seeing more clearly and beginning to analyze what these new revelations mean for your reality, for governments, for the people, for wildlife, and for the environment. All of these things will be part of the swirl of activity in September.
Thank you. What can we expect from Gaia this month?
A lot more water. It has been an active hurricane season and that will continue. But water will also make the news in ways that are not related to hurricanes or tropical storms. You may find high levels of rainfall and flooding in some areas.
This is going to be happening around your world. We wish you to understand that, while the actions of humans on the planet are driving some of these freakish events, in large part they are a function of Gaia’s ascension. Gaia is working to cleanse herself. She is planning a return to a healthier, more balanced, rejuvenated state of being. In a sense, you can think of this time as a throwing off of sickness, a burning out of fever, a flushing through of disease.
And so, there isn’t a lot that the general populace can do except to be aware of what's taking place. Heed the warnings when they come out. Don't take chances with your safety.
We thank the Moonstone Consciousness for being with us today. Does she have anything to add to this discussion?
Oh yes. I harmonize with the lunar cycles and help humans work with the energies of the lunar cycles. And I carry some of the energy of what's happening in the lunar cycle. I can tell you that something significant is taking place in the heavens at the opening of September. It is a Blue SuperMoon, bringing the energy of water, of change, of people working together for each other and for Gaia.
It’s a moment for closing chapters. The time of watching and waiting is ending, and a time of decisive action is beginning. Look ahead to hope, to forward momentum, and to enlightened decision-making.
How can we work with the energy of September?
This is a month for keeping your balance. You can start by expanding your connection to Gaia and nurturing your emotional body. Here are four crystal practices to try at different points during the weeks to come.
Black tourmaline. During the first week of September, wear black tourmaline over your heart, and meditate with it in your lap at least once a week A premier stone for protection and psychic shielding, black tourmaline grounds spiritual energies and helps provide a connection between Earth and the human spirit. Â
Celestite. During the second week of September, try a daily 15-minute meditation with celestite in your lap, in your non-dominant hand, or at your crown chakra. Celestite can help us to live harmoniously with all of creation. Â
Tiger's eye. During the third week of September, meditate daily with tiger’s eye placed on your solar plexus. Because Tiger’s Eye resonates with Earth frequencies, it brings focus and stability. It can also help to soothe tensions during times of discord.
Moss agate. Throughout September, periodically wear moss agate at your throat or meditate with moss agate placed on your throat chakra. Moss agate opens communication with the natural world, including the devas and nature spirits. It also can be used to cleanse your energy or the energy of the land around you.
What else would you like us to know about September?
It's going to be a busy month in the news, so we ask you to stay grounded. Say focused on the day-to-day activities of your life. Don't allow the news to overwhelm you or make you anxious or depressed. That's not what this month is about. September is about getting down to business, getting things sorted.
Allow the energies of the month to move around you, but not to move you off your balance. You may need to meditate more often. You may need to take breaks in nature more often. You may need to turn off the television more often. Do whatever it takes for you to remain centered and balanced in your own being. And trust that the light is at work in your world. We love you.
* If you are new here, welcome. The Andromedans are a group consciousness that has asked to provide the kind of information that "sheds light, heals hearts, and provides hope." While they have given me the name "Light Heals" as a way to identify them, for simplicity's sake, I merely use the term "the Andromedans." We collaborate on monthly energy forecasts and, sometimes, additional posts.