After June, we could all use a little playtime. And while the news may still flow thick and fast in July, the month also offers a chance to simply enjoy fun, sun, and friends. Here's a look at the energy to come, plus three stones that can help you take advantage of it.
Over the last several weeks, the news has been just one hit after another. Fortunately, July may give you a chance to focus on family and fun. According to the Andromedans*, there will still be plenty of news in July. But this month also supports reconnecting with nature and family. So if you need a break from the crazy, there may never be a better time to walk that trail or share a picnic.
Here's what the Andromedans have to say about the energy of July, plus three stones to help you take advantage of what it supports.
Hello! What can we expect from the energy of July?
More action, more noise! July will be a continuation of the energies from June, although you will likely see fewer surprises on your national stage. However, prepare for some shocks internationally, primarily in Europe and Asia. Much of the focus may be on the conflict in Ukraine.
Is there anything special we should look for?
July’s energy carries a sense of preparation. You may see the action in your legal arena tapering off, but know that it won’t stop entirely. Plenty will still be going on under the surface. You can expect activity there to heat up again in the fall.
In the meantime, look for news out of China. There is more going on there than the West is aware of. You may also see activity in Finland and Russia.
What does July's energy support for humans personally?
In the United States, this is a time of picnics and baseball. July’s energy supports reconnecting with friends and family, so savor these lazy days of summer. July should be a relatively quiet month in your personal lives. Hopefully, you can focus on enjoying nature and good times with friends.
What can we expect from Gaia this month?
Look for tropical storms to spin up this month. Hurricane season has begun, and global warming will likely make it more active than usual. If you live in an area that is prone to hurricanes, be sure to watch the news and comply with all orders to shelter and evacuate.
Thank you. How can we work with the energy of July?
In this year of change, you can use the energy of July to find your emotional balance. Here are three stones to try. Remember that you’ll get the most from a crystal when you meditate with it. These stones can be used separately, but we suggest you use them together by placing them on the body as you meditate.
Transmute negativity with Apache tear. Â As an aura cleansing stone, Apache tear helps absorb negativity and protect the energy body from unwanted vibrations, energies, and entities. It also can help you heal emotional wounds and address negativity more calmly and constructively. Place it on the root chakra.
Lift your spirits with rhodochrosite. Rhodochrosite balances the emotional body and helps you accept yourself and others. It supports a sense of personal power and can help you feel more cheerful. Rhodochrosite also links you to Mother Earth and can help you send healing energy to the planet. Place it on the heart chakra.
Soothe tension with tiger’s eye. A stone of practicality and balance, tiger’s eye helps calm tensions, particularly in situations where differences of opinion are causing conflict. By helping to balance emotional extremes and encouraging focus and stability, tiger's eye can allow you to take action from a place of reason rather than emotion. Place it on the solar plexus.
What else would you like us to know about July?
You will still be seeing news, both at home and abroad. Yet the action may not be as intense as it was in June. Still, the energy of July carries a sense of preparing, of getting ready for something big. Consider using the respite this month may provide to find your balance. When the storm starts, you’ll be better able to ride it out.
* If you are new here, welcome. The Andromedans are a group consciousness that has asked to provide the kind of information that "sheds light, heals hearts, and provides hope." While they have given me the name "Light Heals" as a way to identify them, for simplicity's sake, I merely use the term "the Andromedans." We collaborate on monthly energy forecasts and, sometimes, additional posts.