Expect a surprise or two in December, say the guides. Here's a look at the month's energy, plus four stones that can help calm your mind, balance your emotions, and bring peace to your heart.
I'm so tired of chaos, aggression, and violence, I could cry. And when my golden rutilated quartz point asked to lend its energy to December's energy forecast, I realized that I'm not the only one stuggling with what's happening in the world. A stone of the angels, rutilated quartz is a healer of emotional wounds and a natural antidepressant. My own rutilated quartz point is a channeler crystal, which can connect us to the love, light, and wisdom of our angels and guides.
With thanks to the Rutilated Quartz Consciousness, my guides, and the Andromedans*, here's a look at the energy for December 2023. The guides also offer rutilated quartz along with three other stones to help calm your mind, balance your emotions, and bring peace to your heart.
Hello, what can we expect from the energy of December?
Thunderclaps. An unsettled energy. Things are coming to a head in your reality. It won't be easy to watch. Indeed, it hasn't been easy to watch. The situations in Ukraine and the Middle East have caused great heartache throughout the world. We know that you don't understand yet, but we can tell you that these situations are acting as a catalyst, allowing you to see what you do not want. They are encouraging you to join your energy with the energy of others to focus on what you do want: peace and fellow feeling.
And so, the energy of December begins to bring these situations to a crescendo. There is the potential for some of the work toward peace that took place last month to continue through December.
When I looked at December's energy, I saw a kind of big hiccup in the first half of the month. What is that about?
Yes, we think the month may contain a fairly substantial surprise. There is the potential for unexpected activity in Russia and in Gaza. These are only potentials, however. Individuals on both sides of the veil are working to calm the situations. And truly, the war in Ukraine cannot continue much longer.
Is there anything special we should look for?
You may find that your news is almost entirely taken up with events overseas. We do expect continued momentum in the various legal cases in your country. And so, you may see some more news there, even perhaps a surprise or two. There is a growing intolerance for the kinds of shenanigans the various parties are indulging in.
How will the energy of December affect our personal lives?
You may find it a little more difficult to get into the holiday spirit. Current events are weighing on your minds. But this is a time for all peoples to come together. It's a time to focus on peace and love. We tell you that your focus on the spiritual meaning of the holiday season can help heal the situations in Gaza and Ukraine.
Whenever your attention is focused on something, you increase the possibility of receiving that thing. So focus on peace. Focus on light. Focus on love. If you want your world to calm down, if you want to use the energy of these events to propel you toward a time of peace and respect and love of your fellow humans, then focus on that ideal.
What can we do to help send healing and peace to the world?
Heal emotional wounds with rutilated quartz. Rutilated quartz (particularly the golden variety) highlights the areas that need healing and helps you to access the healing you need. It also helps you learn to understand and accept all parts of your self—from dark to light. Meditate with rutilated quartz in your non-dominant hand or placed at your crown chakra.
Balance your energy with blue rose quartz. Like rutilated quartz, blue rose quartz encourages love for all parts of the self, and can help you bring them into balance. Meditate with blue rose quartz placed on your heart chakra or held in your non-dominant hand. (Blue rose quartz is rare, so if you can't find it, you can work with rose quartz instead.)
Heal your heart with charoite. Charoite is a deeply loving stone that connects the heart and throat chakras. It helps you release fear and negativity, and allows you to express your true, divine self. Meditate with charoite placed on your heart chakra, or in your non-dominant hand.
Calm your mind with mookaite jasper. A stone of Gaia, mookaite brings you the Mother's healing energy. Mookaite helps you release negative experiences and makes it easier to accept change. Meditate with mookaite at your root chakra or in your non-dominant hand.
Can you suggest a crystal grid for world peace?
Yes! Consider a crystal grid using the vesica piscis. This sacred geometric form is the expression of the oneness of all creation, and the divine template for man and matter.
Start with these stones, or use your intuition to choose stones yourself:
Rutilated quartz for emotional healing.
Rose quartz for encouraging calm.
Amazonite to soothe trauma and find emotional balance.
Blue kyanite to overcome fatalism and encourage fairness in action.
Citrine to help drive change.
What else would you like us to know about December?
Allow the love of Creator to enfold you, to soothe your mind. Draw your attention inward, to the love of your family and friends. Share acts of caring and respect with your neighbors. Focus on the unconditional love of your pets. Feel joy as you prepare gifts for your loved ones. These acts, more than anything else, will help to heal your world.
* If you are new here, welcome. The Andromedans are a group consciousness that has asked to provide the kind of information that "sheds light, heals hearts, and provides hope." While they have given me the name "Light Heals" as a way to identify them, for simplicity's sake, I merely use the term "the Andromedans." We collaborate on monthly energy forecasts and, sometimes, additional posts.
Dear Allison
Your message for December is absolutely accurate and inspiring and filled me with hope for what is to come. I have been so distraught with what is happening in the world and your words helped to validate my own intuition of what we can do to help humanity through these troubled times. I am determined to bring as much Light and Love into December with the hope that Peace will be the outcome for all mankind. Have a beautiful and Peaceful month and thank you for sharing your beautiful messages.
Maura Glikas