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The Stone Spirit

Energy forecast for 2025

Here is the energy forecast for 2025, plus four stones that can help relieve stress, amplify your intentions, and magnify your personal power.

In 2025, eyes will be opened and hearts renewed.

Welcome to the end of what has felt like the longest year in history. I'm so darn over war and bloodshed and corruption and division. The good news? It sounds as if we're in for a positive change in 2025.

My turquoise pieces have been asking me to wear and sleep with them for the last week, so I wasn't surprised to find turquoise helping with this energy forecast. Turquoise isn't just a stone of protection and healing; it also helps us to hear the voice of Spirit. In the year to come, we'll likely need these qualities more than ever.

With thanks to the Turquoise Consciousness, the guides and the Andromedans*, here is the energy forecast for 2025, plus four stones that can help relieve stress, harmonize your energies, amplify your intentions, and magnify your personal power.

Hello, what can we expect from the energy of 2025?

Unfolding. A new paradigm. A great reckoning and a great awakening. The scales will fall from your eyes. It's a year of coming to terms with what you have become. It's a year of throwing off the shackles of who you have been and stepping into a new way of being. There are decisions to make, but the energy of this year supports taking a hard look at the truth of what is and rejecting it. It’s a year of moving to a new way of working together. This is the nature of 2025.

Thank you. Is there anything special we should look for?

Look for new solutions to old conflicts. Look for a changing of minds as people see the truth of what your leaders have wrought and decide to do things differently. This is a year that supports changing your mind and striking out in a different direction. You've seen the seeds of that change throughout 2024. They will begin to bear fruit in 2025.

In 2025, the personal becomes political and the political becomes personal. There will be less tolerance for doing things that serve only the few.
What does this energy mean for our personal lives?

This year, the personal becomes political and the political becomes personal. There is less tolerance for doing things in a way that serves only the few. The energy of 2025 supports the strengthening of relationships and the softening of conflicts.

Of course, some minds will never change. Accept that you have no responsibility for changing them. These souls have their own journeys, so let them go with the intention that everything happens as it should and for the highest good of all.

Turquoise, can you tell me why you are helping with this forecast?

We are water and sky. We are your connection to the Great Beyond, the Great Within, the Great Spirit. We are healing and protection. We take your trauma, your wounds, your pain and transform them. We give them to the Earth, to the birds, to the animals, to the sky. We help you bear that which may seem to be past bearing.

Some of my favorite pieces of turquoise.

This is a year that needs us. You will need our compassion and our healing. You will need our connection to the Great Spirit and the ancestors. But this also is a year in which trauma can be healed. It's a year in which pain will be lessened. It's a year in which connection to the Great Spirit and the ancestors will be strengthened. These are the energies we embody. It is wholly appropriate that we join with you, the collective, to support what is to come.

And what is to come?

Pain. Joy. A cracked heart mending. This year helps bring closure. If the collective energy will allow, the door to your old way of being will begin to shut and a door to a new, gentler way of being will begin to open.

How can we work with the energy of 2025?

Go within and listen. Your connection to Spirit, to your guidance, to your angels is growing stronger in this energy. Take time to pay attention to and nurture that connection. And as you do, consider working with any of the following four stones. (If you're not sure how to work with a crystal, try one of our four crystal meditations.)

  • Turquoise. Turquoise relieves stress, brings serenity, and cleanses the energy centers of the physical body. As a stone that unites earth and sky, turquoise helps you to see all aspects of yourself, good and bad, with compassion and understanding.

  • Yellow onyx. This stone of the yellow ray encourages optimism, promotes stability, and amplifies our personal power. Working with yellow onyx helps support a deeper connection to your inner self and the universe.

  • Healer’s gold. A combination of pyrite and magnetite, healer’s gold supports healers as well as those being healed. It helps to harmonize your energy and physical bodies and enhances the flow of energy through your system.

  • Clear quartz. Quartz takes intention and translates it into physical reality. According to the guides, quartz is consciousness, crystallized. This stone helps create reality, so it can amplify your own intentions, whatever they may be.

What else should we watch for?

As eyes are opened and hearts renewed, watch for signs of rejection of the old ways. It is a rejection that will sting. We can't pretend that rejection will not meet with fierce resistance. And yet those in power are quick to see which way the wind blows, and they will align themselves to go with it rather than against it.

And so, we say to you: Make your voices heard. Support those who are attempting to break free and move into the new energy. Help them. Send them light. Send them compassion. Send them strength. They will need it.

* If you are new here, welcome. The Andromedans are a group consciousness that has asked to provide the kind of information that "sheds light, heals hearts, and provides hope." While they have given me the name "Light Heals" as a way to identify them, for simplicity's sake, I merely use the term "the Andromedans." We collaborate on monthly energy forecasts and, sometimes, additional posts.


Aly Fitzpatrick
Jan 04

Thank you for this. I bought myself a turqoise necklace to wear daily to help me stay connected during these times. All your information is so helpful in keeping me grounded and steady. I had been waiting for a new stone to come to me and your post was the message I needed.

The Stone Spirit
Jan 06
Replying to

That is beautiful! All turquoise is healing, so I hope you enjoy working with the energy of yours.


Dec 23, 2024

We are your connection to the Great Beyond, the Great Within, the Great Spirit. - THE GREAT WITHIN! YEEEEES! I felt that from my head, to my toe, and beyond!


Linda Kaun
Dec 23, 2024

Oh my Alison! This is such Good News! With the reminder that the changes will meet with resistance. And the support of all these gifts of the stone spirits, and many others of course, the tide is turning.


Dec 20, 2024

Thank you Alison I needed to read and hear this xxx


Krista Mitchell
Dec 20, 2024

Loved this forecast and your gentle but clear voice. Let's make it so!!! Time for change. Big love to you my friend (and thank you for the honorable mention in your newsletter ☺️).

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